Noosphere Spiritual Ecological
World Assembly
www.newhumanity.ru; E-mail: gordina@mail.ru
Moscow, Russia, tell/fax
Summit on Sustainable Development, Rio +20
On the 150th anniversary of the V. I. Vernadsky
Noosphere paradigm of world civilization in the XX1 century.
Global Strategic Initiative of global civil society: NOOSPHERIC-ETHICAL ECOLOGICAL CONSTITUTION FOR MANKIND
On the 150th anniversary of the V. I. Vernadsky
Noosphere paradigm of world civilization in the XX1 century.
Global Strategic Initiative of global civil society: NOOSPHERIC-ETHICAL ECOLOGICAL CONSTITUTION FOR MANKIND
Iniciativa estratégica global da sociedade
Apresentam o projeto:
A presidente da
Assembleia Mundial Espiritual, Ecológica e Noosférica,
Ph. D., Candidata das Ciências Técnicas, Condecorada da Cultura pela Federação Russa.
Tania Belfort
Responsável pela Representação da
Assembleia Mundial Espiritual, Ecológica e Noosférica no Brasil, Presidente da instituição de Ética e Valores Humanos Estrela da Paz.
A Noosfera é o campo Universal
semântico da Consciência.
A Noo-Constituição é a quintessência dos desenvolvimentos teóricos na área
do cosmismo. O que propomos, à geração jovem dos Terrestres, é uma espécie de
TESTAMENTO NOOSFÉRICO como base da concepção ideológica e da mundividência.
A Constituição Noosférica
Ética Ecológica da humanidade (Noo-Constituição)
é um documento, que fundamenta uma nova forma do regulamento legal da sociedade
mundial e que provém do conceito de Constituição
como a lei do permanente (eterno).
São exactamente estas, as regras que estão
reunidas no projecto da Noo-Constituição, que considera a Humanidade como uma
categoria espiritual e ecológica com um estatuto legal e com um papel social.
No terceiro milénio a humanidade entrou numa nova
fase da sua existência. Os descobrimentos científicos dos últimos anos
fomentaram a criação duma imagem única do mundo. Entraram em uso os novos
termos: globalística, biocampo, situação biomagnética, tolerância e
Na exposição Internacional EXPO-2005 no Japão
toda a exposição da Rússia chamava-se “A Harmonia da noosfera”. Foram
exibidos os objectos duma habitação noosférica e das povoações. Nos stands e nas apresentações da secção
russa EXPO-2005 foi apresentado o projecto da Noo-Constituição. As propostas da
organização não-governamental da Assembleia Mundial sobre o projecto da
Noo-Constituição, que foram afirmados no Fórum Global civil Cimeira Rio + 10 em
Joanesburgo (ano 2002) ultrapassaram o estádio de “ideia nacional” e se
tornaram planetários.
Esta ideia foi apoiada pela Cimeira Internacional
de Educação Noosférica (Stanica Shapsugskaya, Abinsky região, Estado de
Krasnodarsky, Julho 2006) e pelo Segundo Congresso Planetário de Direitos
Biosféricos na capital do Brasil, em Brasília, em Setembro de 2006. Nos
despachos destes acontecimentos foi sublinhado, que eles estão a acontecer no
âmbito do Fórum de Povos da Terra sobre discussão da Noo-Constituição e que são
as suas partes inseparáveis.
A aceitação e assimilação da Noo-Constituição irá permitir à Humanidade
realizar o seguinte:
- os princípios éticos espirituais e morais da sua actividade vital;
- os direitos e as obrigações dos cidadãos e das suas comunidades, e também
das empresas e organizações durante a utilização das tecnologias
- os
princípios da parceria nas relações intercivilizacionais;
- as actas
normativas legais que têm fundamento científico e a sua utilização racional;
- as bases
legais da educação na área do bem-estar energo-informativo da Humanidade;
- a
mundividência espiritual-ecológica (noosférica) da população como um factor
natural e social importante de garantia da actividade vital da Humanidade por
um longo prazo indeterminado;
- a produção
de novos tipos de produtos com uma maior segurança ecológica e, principalmente,
com possibilidades diferentes;
- a
integração social da população, sobretudo dos cientistas, das pessoas de artes,
da religião e das práticas populares;
- os novos
tipos e meios de sustentação da saúde humana;
- a
diminuição, com vista à total irradicação, de possibilidades do avassalamento
forçado da vontade e da consciência das pessoas, e da sua exploração com
objectivos cobiçosos;
- o desenvolvimento de novos meios e modos humanos efectivos de interacção
e de relação entre diferentes grupos sociais da população para a resolução de
problemas conflituosos ou outros problemas socialmente significantes para o
desenvolvimento da sociedade.
O projecto do documento une em si as linhas tradicionais e não
tradicionais. No geral, a Noo-Constituição é uma acta legal bastante
tradicional. O seu conteúdo está escrito num formato de norma legal bem
testado. Isto garante o evolucionismo de documentos legais vigentes e a sua
transformação às exigências da Noo-Constituição, o que é especialmente
importante no período transitório.
primeira vez, no conceito dum documento planetário legal, é introduzida a
definição do HUMANO em três componentes: cosmofísica (espiritual), biológica e
- A
HUMANIDADE dota-se com uma função cosmicamente importante com os DIREITOS, as
LIBERDADES e as RESPONSABILIDADES perante a sociedade e a natureza;
- Cria-se
uma premissa para a integração de povos numa Única Civilização, cosmicamente
importante, espiritual e moral, que realiza racionalmente a sua vida e as suas
acções vitais – a Humanidade do planeta Terra;
- Criam-se
as bases do direito cósmico Mundial tendo em conta as conquistas e as
realidades de desenvolvimento do mundo contemporâneo;
- É possível
a criação duma sociedade civil de todos os humanos, que preserve o seu planeta,
como dum habitat sagrado de vida Humana e da Humanidade;
- O
documento legal internacional – a Noo-Constituição – é criado pela sociedade
mundial, e é afirmado como uma iniciativa Civil global;
- É
determinado o estatuto legal da Terra como dum objecto vivo e como do meio
condicional para a vida Humana;
- Cria-se a
possibilidade de ultrapassagem das fronteiras estatais às fronteiras das terras
Noo-Constituição é planeada desde o início como um documento legal que se
desenvolve dinamicamente, no qual, à medida que se afina um ou de outro
regulamento, são introduzidas as alterações correspondentes.
projecto do documento legislativo internacional, da Constituição Ética
Ecológica Noosférica da Humanidade (Noo-Constituição), que foi desenvolvido
pelos cientistas russos (L.S.Gordina, M.Yu.Limonad) deu início em 2002 e foi
debatido no Fórum de Povos da Terra. As principais conferências de debates do
projecto são: Fórum Global Civil da Terra Cimeira Rio+10 (Africa do Sul,
Joanesburgo, 2002), EXPO-2005 (Japão, Nagóia, 2005), o Segundo Congresso
Planetário de Direitos de Biosfera (Brasil, 2006), Fórum da Fundação de Mevlan
(Turquia, Istambul, 2009) e Fórum Mundial da Cultura Espiritual (Cazaquistão,
Astana, 2010).
primeira vez, baseando-se na ciência Globalística (A. P. Fedotov), são dados no
documento legal internacional da Noo-Constituição os parâmetros da sociedade
harmónica de critérios qualitativos:
- o índice de carga antropogénica
(densidade de potência, com a qual é possível a preservação das formas
biológicas e que não deve ultrapassar mais de 70-75 kWt por 1 quilómetro
- o índice da desarmonia social
(correlação de 20% da população dos países mais ricos com os 20% da população
dos países mais pobres);
- os dividendos pela exploração
de recursos naturais, entre outros.
principal projecto social da Assembleia Mundial Espiritual Ecológica
Noosférica, da Noo-constituição foi exibido numa exposição, organizada pelo
secretariado da ONU em Novembro de 2006 e também recebeu aprovação por parte do
Comité Organizativo da exposição. Foi referido que: “Este é o documento mais importante para a civilização actual, no qual a
sociedade internacional no âmbito da ONU pode aceitar os princípios e os
mecanismos da correcção do desenvolvimento das mentes humanas unidas”.
Na opinião do membro
da NSEWA, José Arguelles “Este documento
determina o vector do desenvolvimento da civilização no Terceiro Milénio”.
Após a aprovação da
Noo-constituição na sua totalidade pela Humanidade serão possíveis:
Integração de povos numa Única Civilização,
cosmicamente importante, espiritual e moral, que realiza racionalmente a sua
vida e as suas acções vitais – a Humanidade do planeta Terra.
Determinação do estatuto legal da Terra como dum
objecto vivo e como do meio condicional para a vida Humana.
Aceitação da infinidade do Universo no tempo e no
espaço, baseando na descoberta do Campo Universal como duma matriz
energo-informativa holográfica do Universo, conforme a qual ela evoluciona
Uma passagem gradual, sem violência, à medida da
consciencialização pelos povos e os seus governos, das fronteiras estaduais às
territoriais funcionais.
Uma passagem global à sociocracia (noocracia)
através da criação duma República (Civilização) Noosférica dos Terrestres com
um centro de coordenação planetária (um órgão colegial) de gestão científica e
planejadora das principais áreas das funções vitais da humanidade e de recursos
de grandes capacidades.
Aceitação da lei de ligações de causas e
consequências como duma lei na ética de relações entre as pessoas e os povos.
Criação das bases do direito cósmico Universal.
Aperfeiçoamento dos sistemas legislativos dos
países do Mundo com o objectivo da sua interfusão e transformação num
instrumento legal de todos os povos, que garante as condições para a vida da
Humanidade favoráveis e para o seu desenvolvimento social para um longo tempo
indeterminado, ajustado ao potencial de recursos da Terra e do Cosmos.
Estabelecimento da paz mundial,
cessação da violação e das guerras, prevenção do perecimento do planeta e da
destruição da sociedade humana.
Abolição das
relações económicas destrutivas, incluindo as terrestres, que se baseiam na
usura, na obtenção capitalística de lucros monetários a qualquer custo.
Auxílio no
desenvolvimento de tecnologias ecologicamente limpas e de poupança de recursos,
incluindo as biotecnologias, nanotecnologias, tendo em conta os princípios
cósmicos de movimento da informação e da energia.
Reconhecimento da igualdade de sexos
(o princípio do género) em todos os aspectos da vida da humanidade.
Precisão dos direitos e liberdades
humanas em vigor e o seu complemento com as normas legais maiores pela sua
importância – direitos gerais, liberdades e obrigações da humanidade, de acordo
com as exigências do entendimento noosférico do mundo.
Consciencialização do papel da
humanidade não apenas na Terra, mas também no Universo.
Os autores da Noo-Constituição, o
colégio Constitucional e os peritos não apresentam este trabalho como uma
panaceia única para a salvação do Mundo, mas acham que é necessário propor a
sua visão para a concepção da estrutura mundial e de nova legislação no
Terceiro Milénio.
Miguel D’Escoto Brockmann (Noosphere
announced at the United Nations), New York, 26 June 2009
......" What was about to appear, de Chardin told us, was the
noosphere, after the emergence in the evolutionary process of the
anthroposphere, the biosphere, the hydrosphere, the atmosphere and the
lithosphere. Now comes the new sphere, the sphere of synchronized minds and
hearts: the noosphere. As we know, the Greek word noos refers to the union of
the spirit, the intellect and the heart.
Where are we headed? I venture to believe and hope that we are all
headed towards the slow but unstoppable emergence of the noosphere. Human
beings and peoples will discover and accept each other as brothers and sisters,
as a family and as a single species capable of love, solidarity, compassion,
non-violence, justice, fraternity, peace and spirituality.
Is this a utopia? It is undoubtedly a utopia, but a necessary one. It
guides us in our search. A utopia is, by definition, unattainable. But it is
like the stars: they are unreachable, but what would the night sky be without
stars? It would be nothing but darkness and we would be disoriented and lost. A
utopia likewise lends direction and purpose to our lives and struggles.
The noosphere,
then, is the next step for humanity.
Executive Board:
Gordina (Russia)
members: A.K. Adamov (Russia), Jose
Arguelles (USA), Michele Billore (France), Tania Belfort (Brazil), Sophia Blank (USA), E.I. Gonikman (Belarus), Claudia Gomez (Argentina), A.A. Dudina (Canada), Franklin Dominguez (Equador), V.M.
Iniushin (Kazakhstan), V.P.
Kaznacheev (Russia), E.A. Kozine
(Ireland), M.Yu. Limonad (Russia), Rodrigo Alarcon Lopez (Colombia), A.I.
Muratov (Ukraine), Reca
Mucs (Hungary), Hideo Nakazawa (Japan), Stefano Narduzzi (Italy),
Privler (Israel), М.Sh. Rosenfeld (Australia),
Tiahoga Ruge (Mexico), Аndres Felipe Quintero Sarria (Colombia),
E.A. Stephanovich (Lithuania), А.I. Subetto (Russia),
Martha Sideregts (Venezuela), Stamen
Ninov Stamenov (Bulgaria), G.A. Sukhina (Cuba), Michelle Talineba (Spain),
Tinajero (Chile), А.P. Fedotov (Russia), Carol Hiltner (USA), Joy Himswords (UK)
International experts and
consultants, accepted participation in discussion Noo-Constitutions
G.M.Imanov (Russia), Ammar Banni (Algeria), N.V.
Lapshina (Belarus), B.E.Bolshakov (Russia), P.Kh. Zaydfudim (Russia),
V.A. Frolov (Russia), G.N.Bichev (Russia),
A.V.Kibkalo (Russia), N.Manusova (Israel), P. G.
Nikitenko (Belarus), B.Petrovic (Serbia), Francisco Azuela (Bolivia),
John M. Bunzl (Northern
Ireland, United Kingdom of Great Britain), V.N. Vasilenko (Russia), M.М. Guzev (Russia), A.A.
Gorbunov (Russia), Kamran
Mofid (United Kingdom of Great Britain), E. Sultanmurat (Kazakhstan), John
W. Forje (Cameroon), Eugene Pakman (USA), Sesto
Giovanni Castagnoli (Switzerland),
V.N.Lisin (Russia), E.D.Panov (Russia),
Nina Meyerhof (USA), Roger Nelson (USA),
Jorn Erik Ommang (Norway, Spain),
Marko Pogačnik (Slovenija), Hiroo Saionji (Japan ), S.Ugrimov, A.Andrushevich (Germany, Switzerland), A.Mikheyev (Russia), Gocha Goguadze
(Bernstein) (USA, Georgia), Jean
de Dieu Basabose (Rwanda), Frederick David Woolfson (Canada),
Surya Nath Prasad (India), Norma
Susana Roberts (Argentine),
Rosa Mabel Toribio Hinostroza (Peru ), A.А. Chaplinska (Latvia ), M.Grabner (Austria), Imoh Colins Edozie (Nigeria), H.O. Arifov (Tajikistan),
Enrique Molina (Guatemala
), V.V. Nikoulina (New
Zealand, Turkey, Russia), Astrid Stuckelberger (Switzerland), Isabelle Wachsmuth-Huguet
(Switserland), A. Iourtchenko (Portuguese), Jimmy Lama (Nepal),
Ashfaque Hussain
(Pakistan), Lawrence Yeahlue (Liberia/Ghana), Rev.Patrick McCollum (USA), Michael U.Den-Eli (Israel, USA) Polly Higgins (United Kingdom of Great Britain),
Luis Alberto Molina Cuadra (Nicaragua), Salomeh Dastyari (Australia, Iran), Bernard Gregori (Switzerland),
Rob Wheeler (USA), Come Carpentier de Gourdon (India, France), Jan Rydlo (Chech), Royston
Flude (Switzerland), Lawrence Bloom (United Kingdom of Great
Britain), Abdallah
Hasan (Palestine),
Reinhart Ruge (Mexico)
presentations for the civil Summit Rio
Liubov Gordina (Russia). "Global Strategic Initiative of the World civil society: Noospheric Ethical-Ecological Constitution for Mankind"
Boris Bolshakov, Alexander Skornyakov, Olga Skornyakova (Russia), "Noo-Constitution for Mankind and the noosphere technologies of management for Sustainable Development"
Viacheslav Bobkov (Russia). "The development of Vernadsky’s ideas in the XX1 century"
Tania Belfort (Brazil). "Noo-Constitution, and one for all"
Eugene Pakman (USA). "Noospheric Ethical-Ecological Constitution for Mankind
as a systematic approach to sustainable development of mankind"
George Goguadze-Bernstein (Georgia, USA). "Noo-Constitution as a tool for overcoming the barriers between East and West"
Stamen Stamenov (Bulgaria). "The new matrix model of the world order as the basis for the conception of the Noo-Constitution for Mankind"
In the outcome of
the Summit Rio +20
Noosphere paradigm of development of world civilization in the XX1 century. Global Strategic Initiative of the global civil society: Noospheric Ethical-Ecological Constitution for Mankind
discuss the concept of the noosphere paradigm of development of world
civilization in the XX1 century and the Forum of the peoples of the Earth:
"Global Strategic Initiative of world civil society: Noospheric Ethical-Ecological
Constitution for Mankind"
includes all materials and declarations of international conferences for the period from 2002 to 2012 under the entitled "Resolution of the Forum of the peoples of the Earth." The document includes, first of all: the results of the Global Citizen Forum, Rio +10 in Johannesburg Declaration conferences at the World Exhibition EXPO 2005 (Japan, Nagoya), the Second Planetary Congress of Biospheric Rights (Brazil, 2006), the World Forum of Spiritual Culture (Astana, 2010) and other conferences, forums and summits. The discussion was attended by scientists, public figures, culture and science from more than 80 countries throughout the world. This, above all, scientists and public figures of Russia, the United States, Australia, Belarus, France, Brazil, Switzerland, Germany, Canada, Serbia, Mexico, Israel, Costa Rica, Japan, Ukraine, Turkey, Lithuania, Algeria, Bolivia, Cameroon, Latvia, Palestine, UK, India, Argentina, Austria, Rwanda, Nigeria, Tajikistan, Guatemala, Georgia, New Zealand, China, Peru, Slovenia, Kazakhstan, Ireland, Spain, Norway, Liberia, El Salvador, Pakistan, Nicaragua, Nepal , Czech Republic, Bulgaria, Azerbaijan, Mauritania, etc. Discussions were also on the Internet in a mode on-line.
Given their views on the prospects of the noosphere development for mankind , changing consumer attitudes to the community of planetary biosphere of the planet, the Forum of the peoples of the Earth state that:
includes all materials and declarations of international conferences for the period from 2002 to 2012 under the entitled "Resolution of the Forum of the peoples of the Earth." The document includes, first of all: the results of the Global Citizen Forum, Rio +10 in Johannesburg Declaration conferences at the World Exhibition EXPO 2005 (Japan, Nagoya), the Second Planetary Congress of Biospheric Rights (Brazil, 2006), the World Forum of Spiritual Culture (Astana, 2010) and other conferences, forums and summits. The discussion was attended by scientists, public figures, culture and science from more than 80 countries throughout the world. This, above all, scientists and public figures of Russia, the United States, Australia, Belarus, France, Brazil, Switzerland, Germany, Canada, Serbia, Mexico, Israel, Costa Rica, Japan, Ukraine, Turkey, Lithuania, Algeria, Bolivia, Cameroon, Latvia, Palestine, UK, India, Argentina, Austria, Rwanda, Nigeria, Tajikistan, Guatemala, Georgia, New Zealand, China, Peru, Slovenia, Kazakhstan, Ireland, Spain, Norway, Liberia, El Salvador, Pakistan, Nicaragua, Nepal , Czech Republic, Bulgaria, Azerbaijan, Mauritania, etc. Discussions were also on the Internet in a mode on-line.
Given their views on the prospects of the noosphere development for mankind , changing consumer attitudes to the community of planetary biosphere of the planet, the Forum of the peoples of the Earth state that:
- The modern
technogenic civilization is rapidly entering a critical phase of the cosmic
cycle, with the evolutionary shift of the Planet caused by a change in the
quality of the biosphere, as well as in the inner and outer life of the entire
- Since the planetary civilization
has been transformed by its historical development into a powerful
bio-geological force, able to unbalance all major cycles, biospheric structures
and the cosmic environment, there is a strong need for the activity patterns
and interrelations among Humanity, Nature and Cosmos to be harmonized.
- Global challenges and threats
posed by the systemic crisis claim for a Noosphere-centered approach; we must
try to resolve the key problems before the crisis becomes irreversible.
- The
main path towards genuine quality of life, in the new age, will be the holistic
worldview which was characterized in the ancient wisdom teachings (Confucius,
Lao-Tzu, Anaxagoras) and in the Cosmism traditions based on the Law of Spiral
Development, as represented by teachers who belong to mankind’s “golden fund”,
such as V. Solovyov, P. Teilhard de Chardin, Sri Aurobindo, A. Schweitzer, N.F.
Feodorov, P.A. Florensky, V.I. Vernadsky , A.L. Chizhevsky, N.A. Kozyrev,
V.P.Kaznacheyev. and others), and who considered the Universe, the biosphere
and the human beings as a single system with direct and feedback links of
interrelation and regulation mechanisms.
- The
main problems of our age have made imperative for Mankind to integrate all the
intellectual powers in order to set out a World Strategy and Constructive
Program for the survival and development of all peoples, regions, and of the
Planet Earth itself.
- The
understanding of the ethics of interrelations between the Human Being and
Nature is the most important Noosphere thinking realization tool. Legal
mechanisms of a new international legislation, based on nature’s conditioning
factors for Humanity and for the entire living world, may be the instruments
for its practical implementation.
- Initiatives suggested by scholars
of different countries on the Noospheric transformation of the relations on the
use of natural resources application, in
favor of sustainable development of states, have generated a push for international
meetings of NGOs to be organized, as well as
a call for a peaceful and wise civilization, working on behalf of
present and future generations.
- V.I. Vernadsky’s teachings on the
Noosphere, being developed by modern scientists and education experts,
recognize human experience and knowledge as a foundation, a mechanism of living
activity and learning, which gather the
conditions for a basic socio-eco-economic platform, necessary for the development
of a futurological mindful inter-dependent planetary peoples’ community.
This is the reason
why we need to formulate and implement the fundamental and applied Noosphere
education, without which humanity will not overcome its destructive activity
towards Nature, which increases the threat of a civilizational collapse in a
depleted planetary eco-system.
- The Noospheric civilization
development, and the creation of innovative socio-economic systems, should be
based on breakthrough technologies, ecologically safe in all spheres of living
activity. It allows for the polluted areas to be healed and for a transition
period for society, while it shifts from unstable to sustainable models,
allowing balanced production and consumption to be activated.
- The depopulation crisis in some
regions constitutes another threat posed by globalization; this risk demands
legal regulation documents, to be adopted by the new Noospheric civilization.
on the results and suggestions from the
participants, which came from more than
80 world countries, and presented before
the beginning of the Forum, the following final resolution has been taken:
- To accept the
idea that humanity on Earth is to be integrated into a cosmic meaningful single
Noospheric civilization, as a basic condition for a transition towards the
Noospheric society;
- To adopt a new
legal document – the NOOSPHERIC
ETHICAL-ECOLOGICAL CONSTITUTION FOR MANKIND as a foundation; and after revising it with the inputs from the World
Forum of Spiritual Culture, to suggest that the Noo-Constitution be discussed
at the conferences of the NGOs of the World, for further development of the
main ideas of the document, as a starting
point, in order for the main
regulations be appreciated and later realized;
- To appeal to
peoples and states, interstate alliances and international world organizations
to adopt in their activity the universal principle of the energy-information
interaction between nature and society, introduced in the Noo-Constitution;
- To approve the
submission of the WFSC participants who had proposed the Draft of the
CONSTITUTION FOR MANKIND for discussion, as a model for Noospheric economics
and politics, with Noosphere monitoring indicators of sustained development in
areas of crisis, as well as being a tool for a civil international community
interaction with political leaders and policy makers, including the ECONOMIC
AND SOCIAL COUNCIL (ECOSOC) of the UN, the World Council for Sustainable
Development Entrepreneurs (WCSDE),
PROON, UNEP, UNESCO, and others;
- To support an
initiative of the participants of Section 5, concerning the World Peoples’
Parliament of the UN to be established. The World Peoples’ Parliament may
become a Center for the Noosphere implementation to be effected in the planet,
as a special coordinating and controlling “headquarters” created by the
participating organizations;
- To suggest that
the World People’s Parliament assist in building a modern worldview paradigm
based on the teaching of an harmonious interaction between nature and society,
including the works of the “Golden Fund” philosophers and cosmists, in order to
lay a scientific basis for a new cosmos-planetary Noospheric doctrine,
integrating all peoples and countries;
- To support the
suggestion that a Noospheric agency be established within the power structures of all countries,
responsible for creating a spiritual-ethical climate inside them, in harmony
with the national, traditional and modern, world view paradigm;
- To consider that
the military expenses of the world countries (i.e. humanity natural living
basis destruction expenses) exceed 27 times the total budget for ecological
- To support
suggestions from the Noosphere Spiritual Ecological World Assembly, approved at the following world summits: the
Earth Peoples’ Forum (Johannesburg, 2002), the World Exposition EXPO-2005
(Japan, Nagoya, 2005), the Second Planetary Congress on Biospheric Rights
(Brazil, 2006); one of them is the stabilizing “Living Earth Fund ”, to be
created with, at the most, 1% of the budget now globally allocated for defense
purposes. This fund is to be used for restoration of the planet
initiatives, to minimize the consequences
of the military conflicts and other destructive human activities, to mitigate
and reduce the consequences of the ecological calamities, terrorist acts, and
other related purposes. The “Living Earth Fund” shall be established at the
World Peoples’ Parliament.
- To proclaim the
year of 2013 as the World Year of Vladimir Ivanovich Vernadsky, devoted to the
150th anniversary of the creator of the Noospheric conception for
human development, under UNESCO aegis
and other concerned parties, in the framework of a future World Forum of
Spiritual Culture to be prepared;
- To establish
“The Noosphere International Award”, named after V.I. Vernadsky, with a
monetary prize and with a special symbol for “The Golden Integral”; the reward
will be sponsored by the “Living Earth Fund”, and will be delivered to the
person presenting the best conception for a peaceful human development. This
annual award will be given on the date of V.I. Vernadsky’s birthday, March 12.
The amount of the reward will be defined after the fund’s designation,
according to the resources accumulated from the contributions received from the
military institutions of different countries.
- To support the
proposal to celebrate annually the date of “March 12” as the
World Day of the Noosphere;
- To support
initiatives of the Russian Education Academy Smolny Institute in St-Petersburg,
such as: a) to establish an Assembly of
Higher Education Institutions of Noosphere orientation; b) to implement a
Noospheric paradigm for the development of sciences and knowledge in
educational institutes; c) to prepare teaching materials based on this new
- To support a
proposal for the publication of the “Noosphere Herald” magazine and “The XXI
Century Noosphere Encyclopedia Almanac”, with a scientific editorial council to
be formed with distinguished scientists-noospherologists and political leaders
of Noospheric orientation.
- To send the
Final Resolution Rio+20, to the UN,
UNESCO, European Council, leaders of
countries and international organizations, for information and action.
- To motivate
people of the entire world, specially those who are making and implementing
political, spiritual, labor-related and other issues concerning the state of
our planet and of the people living on it, to be guided by Noospheric
approaches in their activities and decisions.
- to suggest to
the distinguished authorities in the fields of culture, education, science,
technical fields, health care and public service in general, the application of
the regulations and principles of the Noo-Constitution in their daily lives.
been signed by:
L.S. Gordina (Russia) - Noosphere
Spiritual-Ecological World Assembly (NSEWA) President, Doctor of Philosophy,
Candidate of Technical Science, Honored public figure of the Culture of Russia.
Jose Arguelles (USA, Australia) - World famous scientist,
famous researcher of the ancient Mayan civilization, President of the Galactic
Research Institute, Doctor of Philosophy and Arts, member of
Brook-Krasny (USA) - Deputy of the New York
State Assembly.
Nikitenko P. G. (Belarus) - Academician of the National
Academy of Science of Belarus, Doctor of Economic
Billore (France) - Doctor of Pedagogy, NSEWA branch leader.
Belfort ( Brazil) - NSEWA Branch
leader and coordinator of the South America countries. President of the
Star of Peace Project.
A.V.Trofimov (Russia) - Doctor of Medical Sciences,
academician of the Energy-Informational Sciences
Academy, Professor of the International Slovenian
Academy, MNIIKA general manager.
E.Stephanovich (Lithuania) - NSEWA Branch leader, member of the Party “Fair Russia”.
A., and Ugrimov S. (Switzerland,
Germany) - NSEWA Representatives.
E. (Canada) - NSEWA Branch Head.
Petrovic (Serbia) - NSEWA Coordinator.
Sir Reinhart Ruge (Mexico) - Honorable
Member of the Parliament World Assembly.
Eugene Pakman (USA) - NSEWA Coordinator.
O.I. (Russia) - General Director of a methodical center, medical science candidate.
Resende (Brazil) - Executive of the ТV
Supren and General Director of the Planetary Union.
Mejias Montero (Costa Rica) - Executive of the
TV Supren and Planetary Union.
V.I. Patrushev (Russia) - Doctor of Social
Sciences, Professor, Academician of RANS.
Osipov (Russia) - NSEWA Moscow Branch
leader; also leader of an integration movement of Russia.
N.V Lapshina (Belarus) - NSEWA Branch leader.
Medikov (Russia) - Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor of Economics and
Management at the Siberian State
Industrial University (SibSIU).
E. Radzhabova
(Russia) - NSEWA Coordinating Board Member.
A.V. Mikheyev (Russia) - Associate Professor of the State University, Higher
School of Economics,
Candidate of Physics and Math Science
Ammar Banni (Algeria) -
Professor of Ahmad Arbia College, co-author of “Science about a Human Being”
Victor Tuslukov (Russia) - Director of
the “Gemma-Center Ltd”.
A.I. Muratov (Ukraine) - Executive of the “Harmony Integral
Medicine Center”.
John Fordge (Cameroon) - Author of a series of monographic works
on political and economical reforms in Africa.
V.N. Vasilenko, Ph.D. (Russia) - Politics
Commentator, Professor of the Volzhskiy Humanitarian Institute of the Volgograd
State University, member of NSEWA Conceptual Council, and of the
philosophical-economical scientific meeting of the Moscow State University,
named after M. Lomonosov.
G.M. Imanov (Russia) - Rector
of the Smolny Institute of the Russian Education Academy, Candidate of
Science, Doctor of Acme-logy.
P.Kh. Zaydfudim (Russia) - Scientific
activity Pro-rector of the Moscow State Culture and Art University, Professor,
Doctor of Biological Sciences, Candidate of Technical Sciences, RANS
Kamran Mofid (United Kingdom) - Director,
Founder of the Globalization for the Common Good Initiative,
PhD. in Economics.
L.A. Pokhmelnykh (Mexico) - Doctor of Technical Sciences.
M.K. Ushakova (Russia) -
Psychologist, Culturologist, and Yoga instructor.
A.A. Chaplinska (Latvia) –
Ph.D. from Daugavpils University, Mag.oec., Mag.sc.soc..
A.P. Repin (Russia) -
General Director of the Noospheric Technologies Center “Yedineninye”.
Stamen Stamenov (Bulgaria) -
TV Journalist, leader of the NSEWA Branch in Bulgaria.
Giovanni Castagnoli (Switzerland) - World Spiritual
Forum President.
A.A. Kudryashova (Russia, USA) - Doctor of
Technical and Biological Sciences, Acting member of RANS,
MAI, Acting member of the New York Academy of
Science, Bio-Natural International Academy, Professor,
UN Consultant on Provision of Food and Ecological Security, President of the
academician A.AKudryashova
Scientific Practical Center.
Roger D Nelson (USA) - Director of the Global Consciousness Project of
Princeton University.
Surya Nath Prasad (India) - Professor Emeritus, M.A., M. Ed., M. Phil, Ph.D.
in Education, Founder, Editor, and Executive Vice President, respectively,
of the “Peace Education” initiative.
A.A. Gorbunov (Russia) - Doctor of Economic
Science, Honorable Constructor of the Russian Federation, Professor, First
Pro-rector of the Smolny Institute of the Russian Academy of Education.
A.I. Subetto (Russia) - Ph. D., Doctor of Economic Science,
Technical Science candidate, Professor, Honorable Statesman of the Russian
Federation of Science, Pro-rector on Quality Education.
Susanna Roberts (Argentina) - Vice-Director of the Peace Culture World Forum,
member of the Global Association of Harmony, Doctor of Art History.
Michael Grabner (Austria) - Satellite Media TV Communications.
Riedel de Resende (Brazil) – President of TV Supren, and of the Planetary Union,
Political and Social Scientist, Lawyer.
de Dieu Basabose (Rwanda) - Executive Director of the Shalom Educating for Peace,
Master's Degree in Conflict Resolution and Peace Studies.
Imoh Colins Edozie (Nigeria) - Director of the Centre for
Social Transformation and Human Development, B.ENG, MPHil.
Arifov (Tajikistan) - General Secretary of the International Commission
Tajik, National Committee on Large Dams ICOLD, Head of the Fuel and Radioactive
Resources Department of the Main Geology Administration at the Government of
the Tajikistan Republic.
S.I. Grigoryev (Russia) - First Pro-Rector of the
Russian State Social University, Doctor of Social Science, RAO
Enrique Molina (Guatemala) - Founder of “Ciudades de
Luz” (Cities of Light).
Bernstein Gocha Goguadze (Georgia, USA) - Vice-President
of GIS F&B, Inc., MBA (Master degree)
in English and Russian Linguistics.
Bloom (United Kingdom of Great Britain) - Chairman of
FRICS Green Cities, Buildings and Transport Council, Green Economy Initiative –
V.V. Nikoulina (New Zealand,
Turkey, Russia) - General Director of the Aqua Villa Estate.
A.E. Panasenko (Russia) – Rehabilitator of
Individuality at the Medico-Psychological Center.
Dr. Astrid Stuckelberger (Switzerland) - Scientist and Writer,
University of Geneva
Founder of the Spiritual Caucus and of the NGO Committee on
Spirituality, Values and Global Concerns, at the United Nations.
Wachsmuth-Huguet (France, Switzerland) - Project and Communication
Manager for the World Health
Organization .
Francisco Azuela Espinoza
(Bolivia) - Poet, Writer, Director of a laboratory and
documentary center of the Simon Bolivar Andean University.
A.K. Adamov (Russia) - Chief scientific assistant of the Russian Scientific Research Institute
“Microbe” (Saratov), Doctor of Medical Science, Professor.
John M. Bunzl (Northern
Ireland, United Kingdom of Great Britain) - Trustee, International Simultaneous Policy
Meyerhof, Ph.D. (USA) - President and Founder of the
“Children of the Earth” (UN),
Ed.D., 2Masters, and CAGS, accompanied by Jimmy Lama (Nepal), Sara
Mirabel (Switzerland), Kelly Reimer (USA), Marko Harris (Canada), Ashphak Husein (Pakistan) and
Sara Dreiphus (Switzerland).
Mabel Toribio Hinostroza (Peru ) - Collaborator and self-employed
at the Earth Charter Peru (NGO), MSc in
Holistic Sciences.
Marko Pogačnik (Slovenija) - Artist, Academic,
and Sculptor.
McCollum (USA) - Executive Board Member of the “Children
of the Earth”, UN NGO.
Alexander Flude, Ph.D. (Switzerland, United Kingdom of Great Britain) - President of SPOC (www.cmdc-spoc.org).
David Woolfson (Canada) - President “The Club of Budapest in Canada”, Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Laws.
Mr. Hiroo Saionji (Japan ) - President of the
Goi Peace Foundation.
Shalakhmetov (Kazakhstan) - Head of
TV-Radio and Public Relations for the Department of the Euro-Asian National
University, named after Gumilev L.N..
U.Den-Eli, Ph.D. (Israel, USA) - President of the
Sustainability Laboratory.
Polly Helene Higgins
(Scotland, United Kingdom of Great Britain) - Lawyer, Barrister.
E.Sultanmurat (Kazakhstan)
- MAI Academician, Coordinator of the Forum “Millennia”
at the UNO, President of the World Assembly of Turkish peoples, NSEWA
Kazakhstan Branch leader.
Odegov (Russia) - Artist of the State Creative Master-Shop under Alexey Rybnikov’s
Jorn Erik Ommang (Norway, Spain) - Private consultant
company, Project Manager / New Energy
Specialist, Enerley.com / Enerley
A.V.Kibcalo (Russia) - General Producer, Director of the movie-video
studio “Road of Time”.
(Russia) - Leading expert on Healing Systems of the Methodical Center
“Generation Tree”.
(Russia) - professor of
Psychology and Acme-logy Department of the Smolny Institute of RAO,
Pyatkov (Russia) - an actor of the
State Movie-actor Theater, National artist of Russia.
Frolov (Russia) - Deputy
Director of the Noosphere Natural Science Institute.
Luis Alberto Molina Cuadra
(Nicaragua) - Head of the Mission Nicaragua Embassy of the Russian Federation, Master of Arts, International Relations and
S.V. Savitskaya (Russia) -
President of “The Golden Pen of Russia”
Fund, Chief editor
of “The
Moskoviya Youth” newspaper.
Mrs. Masami Saionji (Japan) - Chairwoman
of The Goi Peace Foundation.
G.N. Bichev (Russia) -
General Director of the OOO “Uralburservice”.
Dastyari (Australia, Iran) - Executive Coach for the F.E World Transforming
(USA) - WTI: Process/Content
Coordinator; WATUN: Chairman of the Executive Committee; World Transforming
Initiatives; and the World Alliance to Transform the United Nations.
Alexandre Carpentier (India,
France) - Convener, Editorial
Board of the World Affairs Journal.
Varenik (Ukraine) - Representative
of NSEWA, Correspondent of the International Review "Mirror of the
Gregory (Switzerland) - Senior Consultant Architect of Group Genius.
Maya Badalbaily (Russia, Azerbaijan) - Writer, philologist, sociologist, poet, and artist.
V. H. Lisin (Russia) - Academician of the International Informatization
E. D . Panov
(Russia)- Writer and Journalist (Russia).
Material prepared by the President
of the Noosphere Spiritual Ecological World Assembly, doctor of philosophy .,
candidate of technical sciences, Honored Culture of Russia with Liubov
Gordina. E-mail:
gordina@mail.ru (Russia)
Eugene Pakman. E-mail: pakferma@yahoo.com (USA);
Tania Belfort. E-mail: starofpeaceone@gmail.com (Brazil)
Boris Bolshakov, Alexander Skornyakov (Russia)
Viacheslav Bobkov (Russia)
Eugene Pakman. E-mail: pakferma@yahoo.com (USA);
Tania Belfort. E-mail: starofpeaceone@gmail.com (Brazil)
Boris Bolshakov, Alexander Skornyakov (Russia)
Viacheslav Bobkov (Russia)
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